martes, 2 de agosto de 2011


Movie: Capote
There was this writer from USA, from the time of the early XIX century, who heard about a murder of an American family and the accused was a Hispanic man who claimed to be innocent.
Throughout his research, he tried to have a private interview with the sentenced, but it seems to be difficult because all the Medias (newspaper reporters, radios, etc.) were above the same case.

Capote listened carefully to all the interviews and conclusions of everyone, but at the end he thought that all the information could be manipulated by different social groups. As always

Finally, he had the opportunity to meet with this person several times.
And every time he listened to him, he felt his head with a lot of ideas of what really happened.  Even so, this person didn´t said it directly, he wanted to get his own verdict. Sometimes, he thought he was guilty, some others he thought he was innocent.
In the meantime, he had a lot to write about, but…. he was his own critic for this book.
Sometimes, he thought that not only wanted to write an interesting article, and become a “bestseller”, but also in the background, he wanted to solve the case himself.
Finally, he finished the book.  And it surely got a prize.
He was really proud of his work….but... in his mind was the same though: does he really deserve the death penalty?
He had to watch it with his own eyes.  And he did.
He witnessed the death of the condemned.  He thought it was harder than he could imagine.  Because Capote came to the conclusion that he… was not guilty.
I think the movie was very different of what I used to.  You can say it was good if you consider  how it develops the plot, the characters, the setting, etc. but it was hard to understand. Mostly at the beginning.
The movie was a nonfiction; the drama was very very good but the development was a little slow for my taste.
It makes you think sometimes, like they rounded much all the content, and then back to the beginning.  The principal character, Capote, represents a very thin, not very masculine, strange and methodical person.  Someone I would not like to be related. But in the other hand, Capote is a very meticulous man, who really wanted to discover the truth. For him, it was, not just the work of writing a book with a good topic, it was more than that.
At school, we could not finish watching the movie, but to my good luck, my parents had saved it in a Drawer. So I could see the end. I was curious!


lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

Special Adventure

Special Adventure

It was November 2,008, we were going to Huatulco, Mexico with my family and some friends, we planned to trip by land that meant we were going in car, so it would be more tireless and a slowly trip.
It was the day before the big trip to Mexico, we were making our packages and being ready for everything, I remember we went to the bed at 8:00 because we my dad said we needed to rest but me and my brother sleep like at 12:00 or 11:00 because we were excited of going to Mexico.
Finally we were sleeping but suddenly I heard my mother coming to us screaming us to wake up; it was 3:00 AM I was sleepy and get in the car and we went in the highway road to Mexico, the sun was not there at that time, everything was dark, I was drinking coffee and then I slept.
I wake up again in the car and we were in Petén (Guatemala’s state near Mexico) it was like 10:00 AM and we get down to eat at a restaurant in the road.
We ate and we get in the car again, time passed and passed and I was getting desperate, I was tired of playing the same games on my PSP, and then we get finally into Mexico, I felt great feeling in another country, it was cool It was different, but I didn’t remember something: we were just at the middle of our trip.
My dad drove all day long and at 10:00PM we were in a small Mexico city (I don’t remember what city was) it was a small neighborhood, we slept there.
We wake up again and we were directly to Cancun!!!
I was happier then because I was not sleepy and tired and mostly because of the arriving place: Cancun.
The road was beautiful, I could see green trees everywhere, rivers, deserts, and I even saw a really big brown snake crossing from one side of the street to another. Getting near Cancun the trip was getting better and better I saw: big luxury Hotels, some hot cars like: Porsches (my favorite car), Ferraris, Lamborghinis, McLarens, etc; I saw beaches in the side of the street, and some pyramids! They were really big and I could see them in the road.
We finally went to our Hotel but it had a really really large entrance, I mean it was like 4 kilometers downhill trough the deserted mountain and getting near to the sea.
We were in the road and our car went down, it didn’t respond the gasoline force.
We were mad because we were just at 30 minutes of getting in the Hotel, so then, instantly my father tried to turn the car on for the last time and the car respond, it went on!
After getting toasted by the hot sun we get in the car and get in the road to the Hotel.

Finally we enter the Hotel and all of we were relief, we went inside and the lobby was wonderful! It had the Caribbean-beach style and I liked it so much, then we went to the room and it was perfect also it was amazing, it was the very fresh.
We went to the see the pool and it was big, there were like 6 big pools.
Finally I wanted to go where I really wanted: the beach…. I feel so much peace when I first heard the sound of a wave splashing in the beach and when I saw it and went running to the sand and inside the ocean, it was more than amazing, more than wonderful I loved the white sand, the transparent waters, the fish could be seen inside the water and everything of the beach.
With the pass of the week: in the beach I saw so animals like a sea moray, a stingray, some dolphins, a lot of fish, 2 whales, turtles and a little shark!
It was absolutely amazing! And it was also a adventure going in car from Guatemala to Mexico and the to come back from Mexico to Guatemala.




I was 9 years old, I remember, my two brothers and I, invited my family to hear us in the garage of our house.  I assigned the drums to my middle brother and a very large old wooden guitar to the younger.  But as we were so embarrassed, we putted on sun glasses “so anyone could see who we were”. 
Sincerely, we just made weird sounds… enough for the excited applauses from my parents and uncles.
We practiced some hours before the show began. I remember I sang Green Day songs and I was practicing the guitar tabs with my brother, (the guitar tabs were fake, they were as I hear them, I didn’t knew any guitar chord or note)
The Band:
My friends and I had a music band which hardly had just formed.
My friends and I were classmates.  We also were close friends.  In fact, we still are.
I like to play the first guitar, and I always like to make a “solo” in a middle of the song.
We all have different tastes of music styles, but we all like rock, in Spanish and English.
We practice a lot of rock songs in Spanish and maybe one or two songs in English.

The night before:
As the days went by, I was feeling very nervous. But, I cannot describe the night before our concert!
It was something I will never forget.
I could see the image in my head, of the stage where we would play… and I could only see there was just my friends and me… no one else! Uff….I felt so ashamed!
I could finally get to sleep, dress and with the guitar in my hands.

The special day had just arrived!
We were at the stage of this pizza restaurant, that my father had asked if we could perform on it.
They said they wanted to support young artists….and what was my surprise:  most of our classmates (specially the girls) and friends had arrived and had brought posters supporting us!
It was amazing!
We (the band) had played some times before like in the school events, and the drummer’s sister birthday so we though it wouldn’t be so different.
We were ready to play, everything was fine: the sounds, the instruments, the members, the songs.
And then … came to my mind this fearful thought ....we didn’t have a name for our band! We had forgotten!
So, we decided to name it “ALTITUD ZERO”
Because you could feel from top to the bottom in whatever you do, but never ….never give up! That is something we though in those two minutes we had.
Anyway, we played songs like: Summer of 69’, De Musica Ligera, other famous songs and some proper songs we have made. We really enjoyed so much, and of course, we also made some mistakes….but the feeling we had was great! I felt in the clouds, like flying alone.  Like when you feel the voices under water! It was amazing!
Then we played a second and third time in the same restaurant, and we become better and better, we were a good band, but for bad luck our drummer was not doing good in his class notes and he needed to left the school because of his notes, he was repeating the year.
We said we would still keep in talk and getting together to practice but every day we had practice there were excuses and excuses so the band started disappearing silenciously.
We still remember what we made as a band, we were good and we laugh about the mistakes we made in stage, mostly about the first live performance we made. I will never forget that day of my life.  And I hope…someday….I can feel the same sensation playing my guitar for thousands of people in a real stage and…..”Without sun glasses!!!”